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Update No.4




Hi everyone,


I hope your off-season is going well. I’m writing this update from a lounge chair as I recover from a long-awaited hip replacement. Things can only get better from here! Despite my recovery, I’m still working hard behind the scenes to bring you an incredible event for 2024. Please share and spread the word about the Challenge Canberra Multisport Festival, happening on November 16-17.


Here are a few important updates:

  1. Two-Day Event Reminder: This year, the festival spans two days, so make sure you know the day of your event. Or, join many others in racing on both days!
  2. Event Shirt Giveaway: Register before September 1, 2024, to receive a Challenge Canberra Event Shirt. Additionally, those racing the middle tri and middle aqua bike will receive a finisher shirt for your efforts.
  3. Exciting Partnership: We’re thrilled to partner with Compeat Performance this year. Dan & Alicia Edge are outstanding in the nutrition space. I coached Dan for several years, and Alicia supported the Australian Triathlon Paralympic team during the Rio 2016 games. Currently, Alicia is working with Lauren Parker on her Paris Paralympic campaign. Read more about our partnership below.
  4. Health and Wellbeing Support: Challenge Canberra is well-supported in the health and wellbeing space with contributions from Compeat Performance, Sportscare Physiotherapy, Hammer Nutrition, and Red Bull. I encourage you to take advantage of their offerings. Check out the latest article from Sportscare below.
  5. Fiji Airways Voucher and Entry Refunded: only 2 days left to get your entries in before we draw and announce the winner on 3 July 2024.
  6. WQE Run Course: this years run course is a super exciting course. The first section is the same as last year but it now continues through the magnificent Commonwealth Park.


Until the next update.


Warm regards,


Corey Bacon
Race/Event Director

Are you Challenge Canberra Ready?

Race Schedule

The detailed race schedule will be finalized closer to the event, as participant numbers will determine waves, registration, bike check-in, and other logistics. However, the individual race times should remain unchanged. Hopefully, this helps with your planning and accommodation.


Friday, 15 November

  • 6:00-8:00pm – Registration (all events) – Rond Terrace (Race Venue)


Saturday, 16 November

  • 12:00-7:00pm – Registration (all events) – Rond Terrace (Race Venue)


Race Schedule:

  • Super Sprint – Race Start: 3:00pm – Rond Terrace (Edmund Barton Statue)
  • Olympic Tri & Aquabike WQE – Race Start: 3:20pm – Rond Terrace (Edmund Barton Statue)
  • Aquakids – Race Start: 4:00pm – Rond Terrace (Edmund Barton Statue)


Sunday, 17 November

  • Sprint – Race Start: 6:00am – Rond Terrace (Edmund Barton Statue)
  • Middle Tri & Aquabike – Race Start: 6:15am – Rond Terrace (Edmund Barton Statue)


A more detailed schedule can be found by clicking here

WQE Olympic Distance Run Course

The WQE Olympic Triathlon run course features a new multi-loop design that takes athletes through the beautiful Commonwealth Park.


This course will also be used for the Sprint and Super Sprint runs, with fewer laps, of course. The Olympic Tri run consists of four undulating, fast laps of 2.5 km each.


The course weaves through Commonwealth Park, offering plenty of shade and drink stations. Athletes will experience the cheers of their loved ones multiple times before heading down the red carpet, creating an Oscars-like atmosphere.


With the Pro Open and Junior Pro Open categories now announced, you can expect to witness some of the best running, with elite athletes battling for every second, possibly culminating in thrilling sprint finishes.


You can check out the Run Course video at our You Tube Channel – Click Here


Otherwise we have the interactive map you can also view – Click Here

Sportscare – Training Progression for Race Day

As previously mentioned, Sportscare will be present for the big weekend, and Dave Halpin has provided another great read for those seeking guidance 20 weeks out from the event.


Dave holds a Bachelor of Coaching Science, a Bachelor of Sports Management, and a Master of Exercise Science. He is also a former athlete of mine and has achieved many great things in the sport of triathlon and possesses a wealth of knowledge. While completing his studies, he worked in the Sports Science department at both the ACT Academy of Sport and the Australian Institute of Sport.


Click Here to view the latest article.


Feel free to contact Sportscare Canberra at 1800 001 500 or visit their website to book online – https://sportscarecanberra.com.au

ONLY 2 days Left

$500 Fiji Airways Voucher & Entry Refunded


2024 Challenge Canberra Event Shirt